Systema Training

Systema Training articles on

Systema SpetsNaz No Contact Combat

The main secret of Systema SpetsNaz No Contact Combat is an ability to blend in with an opponent unnoticed. The goal of any martial artist...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Tense Shoulders – The Bigger Picture

When I observe students in class, at seminars, or when I evaluate instructors through the Systema Video Program (SVP), I see one most common...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

How Hard Should Your Systema Training Be?

Your Goal The goal of Systema training is to accumulate power and not tension. I believe that with each training session, while doing the same...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Systema Training for Effective Defense in Confined Space

Effective Defense in Confined Space comes from two essential abilities: - the skill of working (defending yourself) in one spot (for example, behind a desk...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Systema Breathing Application

How to breathe to prepare yourself for a fight using Systema breathing application? When an untrained person perceives danger, his heart rate and blood pressure...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Systema Drill To Overcome Fear of Contact

In the new SYSTEMA HAND to HAND film, there is a drill where the two opponents are approaching each other and evading contact. It...