Kyusho and Chi

Articles on about Kyusho Jitsu which focuses on pressure point targeting and about Chi energy.

Evan Pantazi Kyusho

Kyusho is Real and Simple

Most Martial Artists today spend decades of their life researching and practicing the physiology of a punch, kick, grab or manipulation of the human...
Russell Stutely Hidden Secrets

Martial Arts The Hidden Secrets – Self Defense Knowledge #7

This chapter discusses self defense knowledge that all martial artists should possess. Basic Do's and Dont's I could list a multitude of do's and don'ts regarding...
Qi Whiz

Qi Whiz!

Controversies come and go in the martial arts community, but one topic that can always be relied upon to start a loud argument is...
Woman Performing Pressure Point Technique

Yin and Yang: The Significance of Gender in Karate Pressure Point Fighting

One day George Dillman called me and said, “Weave been teaching women incorrectly!” Most martial artists will only reluctantly admit when they are wrong;...