Dror Saporta

Dror Saporta

Mr. Dror Saporta had been studying the art and discipline of krav maga for over twenty five years. During this time he acquired training and instruction from some of the most respected and skilled teachers in the world, including: the krav maga founder, Grand Master Mr. Imi Lichtenfeld (Sde-Or); 10th degree black-belt, Mr. Haim Gidon; and 7th degree black-belt, Mr. Haim Zut. Currently Mr. Saporta holds a third degree black-belt.

Dror SaportaMr. Saporta began his career with the Israel Defense Force (IDF) in 1984, where he quickly rose to the position of a commissioned officer. He served the IDF for seven years and during this period he completed an extensive number of specialized combat skills training courses and was deployed numerous times in “active” zones. During his commission, Mr. Saporta completed an intensive instructor’s course required of all krav maga black-belt candidates in Israel.

In addition to being qualified as an instructor by the Israel Krav Maga Association , he was also certified by the Israel Ministry of Education and the Nat Holman Trainers School of the Wingate Sports Institute, Israel . Mr. Dror Saporta was later recruited by the Israel Ministry of Education’s Sports Department to create and implement a high school krav maga curriculum for the Tel- Aviv school system.

Mr. Saporta joined International Security Academy (ISA) in 1993. In his capacity as Chief Instructor for krav maga, he taught ongoing martial arts classes to civilians, and specialized seminars to law enforcement personnel in the United States and Central America. He also provided personal protection and security consultation to various high profile and high risk company clientele.

In 1995 Mr. Saporta founded Krav Maga of Los Angeles, where he served as the Chief Instructor. In this capacity, he personally teaches ongoing krav maga classes and specialized courses (e.g. rape prevention, ground fighting, counter weapon and third-party protection techniques) to individuals and small classes.

With more than a talent and expertise in his field of martial arts, Dror Saporta had an innate sense of the physical and mental capabilities of his students as he worked with them through training and conditioning. He understood the circumstances that could create a difference in the learning process of individuals and was able to address these obstacles or blocks in a positive and practical way in order to achieve results for the students. The outcome for his students was nothing less than an increase in physical ability, an understanding of defensive and offensive protection, as well as overall heighten-state of self-awareness.

For over sixteen years, Mr. Saporta had been delivering quality instruction of krav maga to hundreds of children and adults in the greater Los Angeles area and Israel. Through his guidance and training disciplines, students received a safe and enjoyable learning experience.

Mr. Dror Saporta was born on January 15, 1966 and died of cancer on June 26, 2008. He was only 42 years old.