Home Training Articles Law • Security • Military

Law • Security • Military

Articles on USAdojo.com with information about training for Law Enforcement, Security and the Military.

21-Foot Rule

Edged Weapon Defense: Is the 21-foot Rule Valid? Part 1

PoliceOne.com Editors Note: For the record, the 21-Foot Rule, when accurately stated, says that in the time it takes the average officer to recognize...
Jim Wagner Articles

Filipino Kali is Alive and Well in Today’s Police and Military Training

Thumb through any martial arts magazine and you’ll see advertisements and the mention of the Filipino martial arts (kali, escrima, and arnis). In today’s...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

21 Feet is Way Too Close!

It is common knowledge that a suspect, armed with an edged weapon and within 21 feet of a police officer presents a deadly threat. Why?...
Frank Borelli and Borelli Consulting

Police Department Knife Regulations and Policy

In today's litigious society no law enforcement agency can afford to overlook the need for administrative and training regulations for any weapon, or potential...
Guardians of the Night - Bouncers

Guardians of the Night – Bouncers

"If you have ever thought about taking on a second job as a bouncer, solider, police officer or a prison guard, you should talk...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Complacency Can Kill You

The average police officer may work his entire career without having to discharge his weapon in the line of duty. This leads the officers...

Sudden In Custody Death Syndrome (SICDS)

Introduction What is Sudden In Custody Death Syndrome (SICDS), or Positional Asphyxia, and why is being knowledgeable about it important to my department and its...
Robert Margolin Tonfa

The Tonfa Enters the 21st Century with the Defensive Leverage Device

Ever since man first picked up a rock for self-defense he has been on a never-ending quest to improve the weapons at his disposal....
Gang Graffiti

It’s All About Revenge For Gangs

One of the few absolutes in the world of street gangs is that when there is a gang-involved drive-by shooting, street brawl, or school...
Martial Arts Training For Military Personnel

The Importance of Martial Arts Training and Competition

Man has been a part of fighting and battles since the beginning of man. His movements are natural- atavistic reactions similar to those of...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – The Use of Police Color Codes

One of the modes used in training, which is helpful, is the use of police color codes. The color codes, developed a number of...
The Winning Edge

The Winning Edge: One Stance, Three Uses

If you sit around chatting with instructors who teach in law enforcement, you will find a great deal of diversity on any training topic...
Close Quarter Baton Training Programs

Close Quarter Baton Training with Police Safety Batons

We want to introduce the ActionFlex police safety batons that will improve law and security enforcement officer training. Security and law enforcement personnel have long had...
Police Officer Survival Guide

Police Officer Survival Guide – Ten Deadly on the Job Errors

There is little truly new on the subject of officer survival tactics. It is the simple, unglamorous basics that will keep an officer alive. Sadly,...

Be Physically and Mentally Prepared

Officer Stacy Lim from the Los Angeles Police Department pulled into her driveway after an enjoyable evening of softball practice. When Lim got out...
Surviving an Edged Weapon Attack

Surviving an Edged Weapon Attack

Unconsciousness and Death – Surviving an Edged Weapon Attack . . . witnessed over my 23 years of being a law enforcement professional. In...