Jim Wagner Videos

Jim Wagner Television: Sweden

Jim Wagner worked in Stockholm, Sweden on the popular 2007 television series YIPPE KI-YAY, starring Musse Hasselvall and Jarmo Ek, as a martial arts...
Jim Wagner Articles

Child Stranger Abduction

There are many types of criminals who do a wide variety of crimes and there are different types of abductors involved in child stranger...
Jim Wagner Articles

Violence Must Be Practiced

Violence has to be a part of your reality-based self-defense training. If you are only practicing techniques but you are not imagining and simulating...
Jim Wagner Videos

Women’s Survival Course Testimonial For Jim Wagner – German Female Police Officer

“Anne,” a German female police officer with the Bundespolizei, attended Jim Wagner’s Reality-Based Personal Protection Women’s Survival course in November 2010 and gives her...
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

Aggressiveness: Developing the Warrior Attitude

Aggressiveness is a key trait that a martial artist must possess or at least seek to acquire. Developing aggressive behavior in beginning students without...
Jim Wagner Articles

Handgun Disarms: The Gas Alone From A Pistol Can Kill You

The general rule for handgun disarms, when it comes to trying to disarm an attacker of a pistol in hand-to-hand combat, is "If you...
Jim Wagner Articles

Making Soldiers Better Warriors

We are not making soldiers better warriors with inadequate "reality-based self-defense systems" that hold onto outdated techniques and training methods. Perhaps the reason why our...
Jim Wagner Articles

The Right Response to a Ground Attack

Imagine that an unarmed person has mounted you, he is sitting on your stomach as you lay flat on your back, and he is...
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

Head Games: Overcome Combat Stress

Anxiety is an emotion that if conquered, can teach you survive in a crisis situation. Anxiety can also be a useful tool to the...
Jim Wagner Articles

Accidentally Killing Your Opponent

Do you carry a pair of handcuffs with you? Most martial artists don't. How then are you going to restrain a suspected criminal, whether...
Jim Wagner Videos

Jim Wagner History Videos

In Jim Wagner History Videos Jim Wagner shares his history of teaching and training in many different scenarios. Jim Wagner History: Law Enforcement Career from...
Jim Wagner's Fighting Tips and Tricks

Dealing with Combat Stress Before it Happens

How will you perform at the moment of truth? What's going to happen to you emotionally when you're locked in mortal combat? Will you...
Jim Wagner Articles

Learn How To Strike A Human Head with the Reality-Based Impact Head

class="td_pull_quote td_pull_center">Once my students have the motion and timing down for hand and arm strikes they never see a focus glove again. Instead...
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

Fighting Words

How do most sparring matches begin in a typical dojo? It usually goes something like this. Two opponents square of on each other, give...
Jim Wagner Articles

Using Closed Fist Or Open Hand Strikes?

In most police academies and military combat units worldwide professional students are taught to use closed fist strikes when resorting to hand-to-hand conflict. When...
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

The Five Levels of Force

There is a proverb that declares, “You do as you are trained.” If you are trained to always defend yourself with feet and fist...