Martial Arts Definitions N

Martial Arts Definitions
Nagare: Flow.
Nage: Throw.
Nage Waza: Throwing techniques.
Naginata: “Reaping sword.” A curved-blade spear, once used by Japanese monks and samurai. It is approximately seven feet in length including the blade. Many women of the samurai class became adept at the use of this weapon.
Naha-te: One of the three original Okinawan karate schools, which derived its name from the city where it originated.
Naihanchi-geri: Inside kick
Naiwan: Inner arm.
Nakago: The tang; that portion of the sword blade to which the hilt is attached.
Naotte: A command to be at ease or relax.
Narande: A command to line up.
Neikya: An advanced system of combat developed from Korean kwonbop.
Neko-dachi: Cat stance.
Nidan: 2nd degree black belt in traditional Japanese styles.
Ninja: “Stealer in.” Japanese warriors most associated but sadly stereotyped with spying, infiltration and assassination. They became legends in their time, supposedly capable of disappearing into thin air and turning into animals.
Ninjutsu/Ninpo: The art practiced by the ninja of feudal Japan.
Nunchaku: Nunchaku is a traditional weapon of the Okinawan kobud? weapons set and consists of two sticks connected at their ends with a short chain or rope. Nunchaku comes from nun (??), meaning “twin” and shaku (?), the approximate length of each arm of the nunchaku. Nunchaku is an articulated club and its use gives the advantage of speed and power.
Nyunan-shin: A state of mind which is cultivated by the martial artist which allows him to accept the teachings of the Master with humility, out of a desire for knowledge and out of respect for the skill of the Master.