Rank, Responsibility & Accountability

Articles about Rank, Responsibility and Accountability in the Martial Arts on USAdojo.com.

Donald Miskel

Fade to White: Rank and Position in Martial Arts

You might recognize the title of this article as a play on an old theatrical phrase. After the end of a scene or at...
Donald Miskel

Power in Unity

The psalmist said in Ps. 133:1, “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” Unity certainly makes human...
Donald Miskel

The Grandmaster Phenomenon

In this article I want to examine the grandmaster phenomenon that has become an epidemic in the western world of martial arts. As always when...
Rondy McKee

What It Takes To Be A Martial Arts Master

When I was a 3rd degree black belt living in Korea as a member of the Korean Tigers Professional Demonstration Team, I asked what...
Fumio Demura

America’s Obsession with Martial Arts Titles

A few months ago, I attended a martial arts convention where there were large number of well-known practitioners of all styles, as well as...