Systems and Styles

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About Arnis

Arnis began in the Philippines over 1200 years ago. It was the fighting technique used against the Spaniards in the 1500's. Today Arnis is...
Dog Brothers Martial Arts

Eric Knaus on Dog Brothers Fighting and Pekiti Tirsia

Top Dog here, for this once delurking to set the record straight concerning the claim, which pops up from time to time, that Pekiti...
Kanken Toyama

Shudokan Karate

With the advent of Gichin Funakoshi's introduction of Okinawan Karate to Japan in the early 1920's, the popularity of karate began to grow. Soon,...

A History of Kempo or Kenpo

The art of Kempo, also written as Kenpo, is unique as far as its history goes in two respects; it is considered by many...
Kun Tao

Kuntao Way of the Fist

Kuntao is often translated "way of the fist",  but literally it means fighting art. It is a Hokkien term for martial arts created by...
Kapap Logo

Behind the Headlines: The Yamam and Israeli Kapap/CQB Training

Kapap was the first CQB training introduced in Israel and was based on stick fighting, knives, guns, hand-to-hand and even stone throwing in the...
ACCS: Advanced Commando Combat System

ACCS: Advanced Commando Combat System

Development of Military Martial Arts: Military Close Quarter Combat (CQB) Arts are very different from Civilian Martial Arts. Tracing the development of Military Martial Arts (Now also...

Kajukenbo: Karate, Judo and Jujitsu, Kempo, and Boxing

The Martial art of Kajukenbo is a blend of Karate, Judo and Jujitsu, Kempo, and Boxing. From theses arts it gets its name ka...
White Crane Boxing

White Crane Boxing

The Chinese call this extremely popular Northern style of Wushu "Pao-hao," "Pak Hok," "Bak Hok," or "Ba Fan." It is from the Lama or...
Vladimir Vasiliev Russian Martial Arts

Encounter with Systema – An Interview with Vladimir Vasiliev

This Interview with Vladimir Vasiliev was recorded at the seminar in Tokyo, hosted by Andy Cefai and Ryo Onishi. Question: When did you encounter Systema...

What Is Lotar

LOTAR is a complete combat concept, derived from real-life situations and personal experience, LOTAR focuses on teaching techniques that recognize, assess and neutralize a...
Osias Banaag

Rebirth of the Ancient Sport of Sikaran

FILIPINOS, before the arrival of the Spaniards, had their own sports. Notable among these were, Patintero (no word in English) Tago Taguan (hide and...

Types of Jujutsu Systems

Traditional Jujutsu is considered a Japanese cultural art (as are kado, or flower arrangement; chado, or tea ceremony; and shodo, calligraphy). Traditional Jujutsu systems...
Kung Fu San Soo

Kung Fu San Soo

What is Kung Fu San Soo? Kung Fu San Soo is considered, by many, to be the most sophisticated and complete form of martial...

KAPAP: The Original Israeli Martial Art

Four years ago the martial arts community outside of Israel’s borders knew of only one Israeli martial art system, and that was Krav Maga...
Chang Tien Temple Tiger Claw Kungfu

Chang Tien Temple Tiger Claw Kungfu

Introduction of Chang Tien Temple Tiger Claw Kungfu The Ch’ang Tien Temple Set is a Chinese Kung-Fu form that belongs to the Tiger Claw Kung-Fu style...