Muay Thaimes Magazine

Muay Thai in Combat Sports and Martial Arts

Muay Thaimes® Magazine

Muay Thaimes Magazine showcases Muay Thai in the panorama of combat sports and in the practice of martial arts. It features in depth fight coverage with profiles, interviews and investigative reporting. Muay Thaimes is universally recognized for some of the best sports photography anywhere.  Authoritative tutorials illustrate best practices.  Stories bring history and culture to life in the dynamics of today’s news.

Muay Thaimes Corporation has been publishing a magazine about Muay Thai, which translates literally as Thai Boxing, since 2007.  It is privately owned and operated in New York City. Correspondence in writing should be addressed to the corporate offices located at 3848 Maple Avenue in Brooklyn, New York  11224-1314 or sent by email to  The Publisher Mr. Robert S. Reiter can also be contacted by telephone at (718)372-0443.

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