The 5 Dimensions of Kyusho

5 Dimensions of Kyusho

All Martial Artists work in 3 – 5 dimensions with the 4th & 5th being the more advanced practitioners realm. Each dimension has a rudimentary level or scientific explanation that is used in the Martial Arts. However the Kyusho practitioner has another level in each dimension that must also be attained for the proper application and affect.

No this is not a typical Martial Art topic, but it is at the core of all of them, as is Kyusho. The intended goal of this article is to illustrate the difference in these staid laws from typical Martial Arts to Kyusho.

1st Dimension

In regular Martial Arts practice the first dimension is distance… the range if you will to deploy your methods or art. This is in all schools and lessons, but there is more than the simple scientific application, there is the internal application (or Vital Point if you will).

When applying Kyusho, this dimension is considered more as Depth or level of Penetration. In regular Martial Arts we strike the exterior as hard and fast as we can, however the body has natural protections to maintain life. The body may break, but this in affect disperses the force so that deeper penetration is averted. Of course with greater force than protective capability there will be serious ramifications, but this is extremely difficult to achieve in a typical application… just look at the abuse the MMA fighters can endure.

Most MA look at the distance between themselves and their opponent, but they do not look into that opponent, nor do they seek to reach inside them. They only seek the shell whereas the Kyusho practitioner goes deeper into the first dimensional space.

So then what would the second MA dimension be (in natural law terms)?

2nd Dimension

Now the second dimension in MA is of course angular moves off the original distance line, or the line of approach or escape. In science this is the Y axis of the X axis of the straight line… and yields huge advantage as well as disadvantage. This is for leverage, avoidance, redirection and a host of other physical motions of one to take advantage of the opponent.

But the second dimension for a Kyusho practitioner is the internal angle of attack on a specific anatomically weak target to maximize the affect and internal dysfunction. This is crucial if we are to supersede the natural protections and energy dispersing attributes of the external body. We must penetrate at various angles to get between muscles, tendons and bones to access the nerves and blood vessels for maximum affect or destruction.

These first two are easily understood even by the beginner of either discipline, the next dimensions pertain to those more advanced practitioners in either.

3rd Dimension

The third dimension is height or in it’s most basic terms perpendicular to the X-Y axis (Z). So how is that used in typical MA?

The 3rd dimension can enable the MA to use height of the strike once off the straight line and into the second dimensional plane. It could also be realized by dropping or lifting an opponent or yourself for a selected technique and forcing a new angle or plane.

So how could this relate to Kyusho? The third dimension is used once in contact with the anatomical structure, be it nerve, blood vessel, tendon or organ in order to stretch, tear, compress or rupture that structure.

Now the first two dimensional attributes most Kyusho people learn and can do (not all). The third is what separates many a better skilled Kyusho practitioner as they add the twist, the cut, that little extra that increases the affects.

Now it is the fourth Dimension fully exploited by very few is actually common knowledge displayed by most.

4th Dimension

So what is the 4th dimension in Martial Arts? It is Time.

They say timing is everything, well maybe not but it is high on the Martial Artists list… and what separates the truly advanced practitioners from those not yet developed. If you are a split second faster in a situation you have advantage, if you are a second late you are at disadvantage.

In Kyusho the time factor is twofold:

  • The aspect of time on target is a key factor as some targets are better struck quickly, others need more time on the target depending on the structure you are attacking, the surrounding structures and the depth (1D) of that target.
  • The other aspect is staggered timed hitting, avoid striking in the same space of time, for greater affect (unbalancing of the physiological systems) you must alter it, change the timing of the strikes so the opponent’s body will not expect the next hit and will not be able to defend against it as readily. This even extends to Joint Manipulations whereas you should not maintain the same pressure for a long time, as the body can adapt.

5th Dimension

So what is the 5th dimension in Martial Arts?

In science the 5th dimension is consciousness, this allows perception of all other dimensions, relating it to the future, the past, variations off that linear time path as well. It can also be called awareness or intuition (all from experience). A prime fighter has this awareness in the ring, the soldier has it on the battlefield, they sense trouble or eminent threat and are prepared.

Those who have ever had a close brush with death as a result of an accident or nearly being in an accident, may have noticed, that their mind starts moving more slowly in these situations also. Everything appears to happen in slow motion. They are in the 5th dimension consciousness in these situations and their perception of time slows down.

In Kyusho this dimension is again twofold:

  • First there is empathy, feeling the action or intent (this is developed fromtaking the Kyusho as well as giving it)…and predetermines the success of the strike, or the failure of it in accomplishing the task. If you know what an attacked target does physically (from experience), you can apply it far easier and with greater success.
  • Second is knowing exactly what you are attacking and the reactions of the body when we attack/stimulate those structures. But more than that already knowing how that person will react physically, mentally and or spiritually (will they still have the will to fight).


To engender the 5 dimensions of Kyusho (along with those of Martial Art):

  1. First the student must learn that the need a penetrating attack or manipulation and they get a slight reaction.
  2. Next they must begin to use better angles (and weapons) to more accurately penetrate to that correct depth and with less resistance of surrounding structure.
  3. Then the need to stretch, twist or compress the underlying physical structure (nerve, vascular, organ) in the most advantages way for the desired result.
  4. They must learn to stagger timing as well as pressure to unbalance the physiological functionality of the opponent.

Finally they must know what the attack feels like, how the opponent will feel, react or fall so they can escalate or use strategically for multiple opponents.

5 Dimension synopsis:

  1. You need to “FEEL” the structure.
  2. You need to “FEEL” the way you compress it (with stretch).
  3. You need to “FEEL” the structure give way to your strike, manipulation, etc.
  4. You need to “FEEL” the affect through empathy that it causes in the opponent or patient.
  5. You must “FEEL” the opponent crumble, jump, relax, etc. as this will tell you all you need and open so many more possibilities.