Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine

Wing Chun Illustrated is the world's only magazine dedicated to the art of Wing Chun, regardless of linage or style.

Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine

American author F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote, “You don’t write because you want to say something; you write because you’ve got something to say.”

Mui Fa Publishing is proud to publish with Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine (WCI)—featuring articles by and about the world’s greatest exponents of the art of Wing Chun.

Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine was founded in September 2011 and aims to unify the entire Wing Chun community, to give a voice to all lineages, and to help to preserve all that this unique fighting system has to offer to current and future generations of practitioners.

Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine is, and always has been, independent. Published bimonthly, Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine is a high-quality, full-color publication. Each 60-page issue is available in PRINT and DIGITAL formats (with one account you can access Wing Chun Illustrated on multiple devices: i0S, Android, Kindle Fire, and Web).

No matter what lineage individuals belong to, all can unite around Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine—to share the same LOVE AND PASSION for the art of Wing Chun.
