Dave Kovar Living Lessons

Dave Kovar Articles about martial arts on USAdojo.com.

Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Create Positive Memories

As a martial arts teacher, I interact daily with lots of people. I’m acutely aware that as a teacher, I have a certain amount...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Casper Always Has To Be Right

I have an acquaintance of mine that is incredibly bright, very fit, extremely witty. I will refer to him as Casper. He has everything...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Running A Martial Arts School

A few things I have learned about running a martial arts school from my travels. Over the past few years I have the privilege of...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Sincere Public Praise

Sensei Bruce Juchnik was my first karate teacher. He is a good guy and I'm happy to say that, more than forty years later,...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Make Good Choices

Every day we are faced with myriad of choices. Most of the time, they seem pretty insignificant. I am hungry for a snack, should I...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Good Habits

It never ceases to amaze me at how easy it is to see my good habits slip away from me if I don’t guard...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Street Experience

As a martial arts and self defense teacher, I've joked about my lack of real world self defense experience, but I've had street experience.
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

The Magical Power of Work Around It

One time I was having a discussion with a good friend of mine, Brian Higgins, about training. We were discussing strategies we both have...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

The Tale of Two Innkeepers: Having The Right Attitude

Last summer, my son and I went on a two week seminar tour in the UK. We planned for a few days off in...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

The Benefits of Martial Arts Training

With Instructor Colleges and Business Boot Camps scheduled all over the country, I am doing a lot of traveling again this year. I love...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

What is your desired outcome?

I recently received an email from a business associate of mine regarding an issue we are trying to work through. The two of us...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Enjoy the Party

Sometimes life feels like a party, other times it feels like a battle. I think the key is to try to bring your "A"...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Living Lessons: Just because someone told you so, doesn't mean it's true

Living Lessons Just because someone told you so, doesn't mean it's true Early in my career as a Martial Arts Instructor, I found it necessary to...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Living Lessons: Grandpas, Guilt and Gratitude

My children have been blessed to have all four of their grandparents alive, healthy and living close to them. Each grandparent is amazing in...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

How Would You

How would you breathe if you were totally calm and confident? Breathe like that. How would you walk if you were amazingly vibrant and healthy?...