Home Safety Center Self Defense and The Law

Self Defense and The Law

Articles on USAdojo.com about self defense and the law.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

To Keep and Bear Arms

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today hailed a report from the U.S....

Proposed Virginia Bill SB64 could make you a felon if you train in martial...

New gun control legislation is making its way through the Virginia Senate. Those who oppose the legislation surrounded the capitol building Monday, carrying weapons...

Second Amendment Secures An Individual Right To Keep And Bear Arms

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today hailed a report from the U.S....
Castle Doctrine

The Right to Self-Defense

As a veteran of both the martial arts and the law enforcement communities for a number of decades, the topic of self-defense takes on...
Dealing with and Surviving the Criminalization of Self-Defense

Dealing with and Surviving the Criminalization of Self-Defense

This very important article by WR Mann provides information about dealing with and surviving the criminalization of self-defense in the United Stares and other...
Self Defense and the Law

A Defense Attorneys Perspective on Self-Defense

After reading the article defining assault, battery, and giving advice on handguns by Trooper Rodney Manuel in the last issue of the Gateway, I...
Blind Justice

Issues Regarding Self-Defense and The Law

The following is adapted from the lecture I often give as part of my job as a firearms instructor for the New York State...

Ensure a Sharper Future™ Join Knife Rights

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, (not...
What Can Happen When You Deal With The Police

What You Should Know When Dealing With Police

The majority of individuals practicing any martial arts related activities are not educated on what they can and cannot do in a self-defense situation....
Self Defense and the Law

Self Defense and the Law

In the old days, the Chinese believed that a trained martial artist should never use his skills, for fighting an untrained opponent is unfair...

Civil and Criminal Liability for Martial Artists

A Guide to Civil and Criminal Liability for Martial Artists in Physical Altercations Written by injuryclaimcoach.com It is imperative that there is a guide to civil and criminal liability...
Dispense with Restraint

Dispense with Restraint

When is it alright for a martial artist to dispense with restraint in real life confrontations? A tough question with no easy answer. Indeed...
Jim Wagner Articles

Use of Force in a Fight: What Level of Force Can You Use?

Every adversary you come across is going to have the same level of fighting skills and the same reasons for fighting you, right? Wrong....
Jim Wagner Fighting Tips

Legal Risks in Self-Defense

There is legal risks in self defense. Anytime you use your martial arts skills (use-of-force) against another person, even if you are justified in...
Jim Wagner Articles

Avoid Being Shot By Police

Many martial artists tend to get involved in situations that most citizens would avoid; especially situations involving violence. The confidence building nature of self-defense...