There was once a great “Stone Carver” who longed to be even greater…

One day – he wished he could be all powerful…the next morning when he awoke, he was the “Sun”…people worshiped him and he was indeed powerful – but then one day moving across tha face of the earth he noticed clouds – which blocked out the sun’s rays!…

Oh, if I could be the powerful clouds, then I could block out the “Sun” and be all powerful?…When he awoke the next morning he was the cloud – floating high above the earth and the people worshiped him…Then one day he bumped into the mighty mountain – He was forced to separate and spread out around the mountain? It was immovable and so very powerful…

The Stone Carver

He wished he could be the mightly mountain?…The next morning when he awoke – he was indeed the mighty mountain and people again worshipped him. But there was something annoying him? It was down near his base…He looked and looked – Finally he noticed a fine young “Stone Carver” – making beautiful art works carved out of the mountain stone…The art would last “forever” and it would be worshipped by people across the ages…

Indeed that would make him immortal and all powerful…Oh “IF” he could just be the “Stone Carver” once more then he would be truly happy…the next morning when he awoke he was the Stone Carver…once more… OSU!

Contributed By Sensei Dane Harden