Biographies K-O

Instructors biographies K-O are biographies on for martial artists whose last name begins with K through O.

James Muro

James Muro Danzan Ryu Jujitsu

Professor James Muro has been training and having fun with the martial arts since the age of five. He holds several ranks in the...
Toshishiro Obata

Toshishiro Obata Japanese Budo

The Obata family originally descended from the Heike clan. Of Samurai family lineage, Obata Toshishiro was born in Gunma Prefecture, Japan in 1948. Mr....

Bob Maxwell

Bob Maxwell was born on December 13, 1943 in Washington, D.C. He has been in the martial arts for more than 44 years and...
Ki’ami Kuoha Kara-Ho Kempo

Ki’ami Kuoha Kara-Ho Kempo

At the ripe old age of 21 Ki’ami Kuoha has evolved into one of the most formidable martial arts instructors in the world. Possessing...
Gary Dill

James Yimm Lee / The Oakland JKD YEARS

You hear a lot about the original students of Jeet Kune Do, but there is one in particular that is very special to me,...

Stanford McNeal Sr. Kifaru Jitsu

Stanford McNeal was born December 5th, 1940 in St. Louis, Missouri. At the age of 12 he began studying Judo under Sensei Beech. From ages...
Jimm McMurray

Jimm McMurray Taekwondo Military System

Grandmaster Jimm McMurray, 9th Degree Black Belt, is the Founder and Director of the House of Discipline Martial Arts Group based in Harker Heights,...
Bill McGrath

Bill McGrath: Pekiti-Tirsia

Tuhon Bill McGrath began his training in the Pekiti-Tirsia system under Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje in 1975 at the age of 14; and...

Nicolas Marucci

En 1982 a la sortie de son service militaire Nicolas Marucci pratique a titre de loisir le Karaté Kiokushinkai et le Taekwondo participe a...

Thomas Mitose and Kosho Ryu Kenpo

In 1940 in Honolulu, Hawaii James M. Mitose's son was born. His first son, Thomas would grow up surrounded by mystery, obstacles, and controversy. The...

Generations: Grandmaster Liang Shou-Yu and His Daughter Helen Liang

Grandmaster Liang Shou-Yu is one traditional masters who survived the Cultural Revolution - forced into combat and challenge matches for honor and for his life.
Carlos Newton

Carlos Newton Mixed Martial Artist

Carlos Newton was born in Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, in the West Indies, August 17, 1976 and moved to Canada at an early age,...
Young Il Kong

Young IL Kong National Champion of Korea

Tae Kwon Do Grand Master Young IL Kong began his training at the young age of 9. His first teacher was General Woo, a strict...
Avi Nardia KAPAP

Avi Nardia KAPAP

Avi Nardia is a Martial Artist, owner of Avi Nardia Academy and Founder of KAPAP Israeli Krav Maga, a hand to hand combat system...
Leeann Morris

Leeann Morris – Jiu-Jitsu

Leeann Morris has been practicing martial arts since 1993, when she began training in Tang Soo Do. She currently holds the rank of 4th...

Richard Morris Shizen-na Karate

One of the world's highest ranking martial artists, Grandmaster Richard Morris is 9th Degree Black Belt in American Karate, Tae-Kwon-Do, and is the founder...